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Berlin University Of The Arts Fees

University Fees in Berlin

Berlin University of the Arts

The Berlin University of the Arts is one of the largest and most diversified universities of the arts in the world. It offers a wide range of programs in the visual arts, design, music, and performing arts. The university is known for its high quality of teaching and research, and its graduates are in high demand in the creative industries.

Tuition Fees

The Berlin University of the Arts charges a fee of 407 euros per month plus a one-time start-up fee of 1850 euros for participation in the Masters. Except for some graduate or postgraduate programs, the Freie Universität Berlin does not charge tuition fees.


The cost of attending university in Berlin can vary depending on the institution and program of study. However, the high quality of education offered at both the Berlin University of the Arts and the Freie Universität Berlin makes them excellent choices for students seeking a world-class education in the arts.
